Event Workers
Event Workers are volunteers who only work in person at our events. Event Workers can take on jobs such as ushers, set-up/clean-up crew, announcers, and more.
Being an Event Worker can get you:
Volunteer hours
A legitimate certificate
A nice mention on your resume
To become an Event Worker, email us at helpingwitharts@gmail.com
with your name and birthday. Event Workers will need to reapply every event.
Contributing artists give us artworks we will showcase in art exhibitions and then sell afterward, where the funds go to our current topic. Don't want to sell your painting? No worries! Just show up to the event to pick it up after the event is over.
Benefits of lending/donating us artworks:
Public attention and audience to your artwork and artistry
A legitimate certificate
A nice mention on your resume
If you would like to lend/donate an artwork, email us at helpingwitharts@gmail.com with the following:
Full name of artist
Name(s) of artwork(s)
Picture(s) of artwork(s) (must be framed for exhibition)
Size(s) of artwork(s)
A statement telling us whether or not we can sell your artwork(s)
Musicians who perform at our events can range from young students on the piano to professional bands to even some of our Members. We highly encourage all talented Musicians, regardless of age, to let others experience their talent on stage!
Benefits of performing at one of our events:
Public attention and audience to your performance and musicality
A legitimate cetificate
A nice mention on your resume
If you would like to perform at our event, email us at helpingwitharts@gmail.com with the following:
Full name(s) of performer(s)
Name(s) of song(s)
Composer(s) of song(s)
Duration(s) of song(s)
A statement telling us whether or not we can publicly showcase your performance online